Sunday, October 30, 2016

Oh, How Do I See it?

In so many circumstances, I am always challenged to decide to see things differently.  

Perception is what it is.  Every person is wired differently.  Different folks, different strokes, is what they say.  The differences in perception can come from culture, background and upbringing.  Sometimes, I believe, it is plainly just the personality.  One’s uniqueness.

Differences in opinion boil down to differences in perception.  Through the years, I have learned to do my best to look at the bright side of things.  It is from knowing that “all things work together for good” as the Scripture says, that kept me anchored despite the storms in life.

When my Dad passed away 10 weeks after Mama died, I felt as if the weight of the whole world  crashed down on me.

I come from a very close-knit family -  with very close ties from the grandparents down to the grandchildren.  Being the eldest in the family and a wife and a mother of two, I faced all the responsibilities that came with it; aside from the turmoil that I faced with my own family which had security and protection issues.  It took me months to recover from shock and grief. But I had to go on living and see “the light ahead of the tunnel”.

Under the circumstances, I chose to trust the One who was in control of everything.  “He’s got the whole world in His hands”, and therefore “I am safe”.  Some call it The Source, The Energy, etc.  I call Him God.

With the current downturn of the economy in our province, it is heartbreaking to know people have been let go from their jobs – their means of livelihood.  In my own community, I have seen too many houses for sale because the owners are unable to pay their mortgages because they lost their jobs.

I know too many friends who had to get survival jobs to survive as they were let go from their jobs as professionals.  But here’s the thing:  Thank God for survival jobs!  Thank you for EI!  Thank you for the Food Bank!

For several weeks, I felt so frustrated and angry at work.  I felt I was unfairly treated.  I was plain unhappy.  But it dawned on me, hey, I still have a job.  And it’s a good one, actually.  With the present economy, I am in a such a very good position.

With that perspective, I realized that that work incident which made me miserable, was a call for me to step up - to prove to everybody that I’ve got more to show, more to give.  I have become a comfortable, sleeping giant.  It’s time to wake the giant up!

I had to decide to see that there is a morale to my work situation and aspects for me to improve on.  I cannot go into details, but yes, my career has made a good turn and things look promising.  I am happier.  Everything is working out for my own good.  I am not saying that things are going my way – but it is certainly going the way it should, for my own good.  I see it unfolding.

When my family migrated to Canada, we had to start from scratch – literally.  Thank goodness for people with kindred spirits who helped us along the way.  It was a major adjustment on all sides – from the climate to people and culture.  I had to start with a survival job!  But it was in that survival job that I met wonderful people and learned priceless lessons.

Is everything bright and rosy?  Nah.  Manna falling down from heaven literally?  Nah.  But is everything working out for my good and my family’s good?  Yeah!  I choose to see it that way.  So does my family.  And we move on to living a full life. 

Moving on to the journey! 

“The meaning of everything is the meaning I give it.” – Neale Donald Walsch

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Train Driver and His Soup

When you are down and out and you feel like you just got a triple whammy, you know you’ve hit rock bottom, as most people would say.  The best thing to do is sit back, be still, surrender to the moment, and know that if you’ve hit the deepest gut, there is nowhere else to go but up.

Feeling  exactly like all of the above, I begin to be still. 

As one of my favourite authors said:  there is no such thing as an accident in life.

The life I have now and all the circumstances I am in is not an accident.  I am here in this situation for a purpose and for learning.

This in mind, I begin to gravitate on being grateful for being alive.  From this baby step, I begin to see my world from a greyish point of view to a color-filled one.  I begin to be grateful for family and loved ones, a home, meals on the table, clothes on my back, and good health.

And I see glimpses.  Glimpses of peace - of stillness and dependency to the One Creator of all things. Glimpses of everyday life and ordinary people.

As I was on the train this cool and grey morning, something unusual happened.  The early winter wind was cold, and the morning was dark.  

Everyone looked grim on the train; up until when we reached the City Hall station.  The train driver cackled a cheery good morning thru the speakers.  His voice was a contrast to the grey day that loomed ahead.  

He continued to announce the weather forecast and said in one breath:  "By the way, I know my sister is in one the carts here coz I saw that red jacket I gave her last Christmas. Well, sister, tell Mom I’m gonna call her tonight and maybe even give her a visit and maybe dinner? So kindly please, can you buy my favourite soup from my favourite store on your way home tonight? And see you later, sis!”

You bet almost everyone inside the train chuckled.  I for one, shook my head and laughed. 

Joy and hope does not have to make a grand entrance in our lives for us to be happy.  Unexpected moments like this train driver and his soup can be priceless.

I saw that sad-looking lady wearing a burgundy toque smile timidly.  It was a slight lift of the corners of her mouth; or a lopsided smile; but a smile just the same.

For a split second, the heavy veil of gloominess lifted from me.  Hey, I’m gonna “wing” it, if I have to.  I am just grateful to be alive!

Thank you, God for train drivers, sisters and favourite soups!

Oh, What Am I Doing!

All my life I always wanted to be a writer.  Instead, I became an accountant and an MBA graduate.  My career has been good, despite migration and starting from scratch, as every immigrant story does, I’m rising up to my goals & aspirations and I can’t complain.

But time and again, I have this nudging to write about my life and my existence on this planet.  See, I always believe that each human being has a purpose in living this life on earth.  What that purpose is -  that’s the biggest challenge!

But this I do know, that at least, my story to tell will need to be told.  As imperfect as my life is and has been, I am sure, another soul will find solace in knowing that it is perfectly alright to live an imperfect life after all.

So here I am, starting to learn how to create a blog.  And I have found something that says:  how to create a blog for dummies…  Perfect!

Hence, my journey as a story-teller.  What story should I tell?  Nothing else but my own story.  Not about my accomplishments nor my failures, but rather of being alive on this planet and living my life – my own story.  Hopefully, I can relate on my being here, rather than talk about what I have been doing. 

As one of my favourite authors has said:

If you think your life is about DOINGNESS, you do not understand what you are about.  Your soul doesn't care what you do for a living - and when your life is over, neither will you.  Your soul cares only about what you're BEING while you're doing whatever you're doing.  It is a state of BEINGNESS the soul is after, not a state of doingness." - Neale Donald Walsch