Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Oh, Be Brave!

Lately, I’ve had some really good stuff coming my way career-wise.  I was given opportunities to pioneer new thrusts in my department.  However, as Spiderman said:  With great power, comes great responsibility.”

True.  And greater pressure, politics and intrigues too!  My, oh, my!  Something that I do not want to get involved with.  My common dialogue:  Oh, I really just want to work, do my best, reap well from it. 


With all this office turmoil, and at the risk of sounding like a whiner when speaking up, I had to dig deep inside me, trust in my inner strength that all things will work together for everybody’s good.  Not just for my own good, I dare say, but for everyone’s good.

This song, “Brave” by Sara Bareilles has given me back inspiration and a touch of my old sense of humour.

To be brave in standing up to what I believe in, even when others do not seem to agree.  To be brave in being grounded in the age-old truths that my parents taught me.  To be brave in being teachable and flexible as this is the path to greater improvement and success.  To be brave to see events on both sides – not just my own.  To be brave to draw out love from my heart and feel love for everyone, regardless.  To be brave to extend kindness even when kindness was the last thing I got.  To be brave to go on in life with graciousness. 

Each one of us has our own daily battles.  But the key here is to go on, not give up.  We might need to choose our fights wisely – extending kindness or forgiveness does not mean quitting or losing the battle.  It just means you are making a different tactic.  It means being the bigger person.

Do I know exactly what lies ahead of me, in this messy and fearsome corporate world?  No.  But I am here to go on and not give up.  And with my inner self adds: “So help me God.”  With lol right after. 

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.  The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. – Nelson Mandela

P.S.  There are so many angles to being brave, and I will be exploring it in my next write ups.  

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